Author: Ujjwol Tiwari, Jyoti Sunar, Anu Panthy

Doi: 10.26480/amdn.02.2024.86.94

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A general survey was conducted to analyze the marketing efficiency of honey in Bharatpur Metropolitan, Kalika Municipality, Khairahani Municipality, and Rapti Municipality of Chitwan District. A total of 96 respondents, including 88 beekeepers, 3 wholesalers cum processors, 2 retailers, and 3 consumers, were selected for interviews using a stratified sampling technique. For primary data collection, personal interviews and key informant interviews were used, while secondary data were gathered from publications of various related institutions.

The average honey production per annum was 24.2 kg per hive. The major market chain actors involved in the marketing of honeybee products included producers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. The marketed surplus was observed to be 87.56%. The price spread was NRs. 201.25 per kg, and the producers’ share was 68.19% on average. Marketing efficiency in the study area was highest when honey was sold through retailers (1.67), followed by the involvement of wholesalers cum processors (1.43).

Furthermore, indexing identified high competition with foreign honey, inadequate collection and processing centers, insufficient certification and lab tests, market access problems, and a long market chain to consumers as the major issues associated with the marketing of honeybee products. This research explored the existing scenario of the honey market, marketing channels, and major constraints in the study area.

Pages 86-94
Year 2024
Issue 2
Volume 2