Yamuna Nath, Ashok Nath Yogi, Bibechana Paudel, Rabita Bhandari, Ashok k. Yadav, Suraksha Acharya

Doi: 10.26480/amdn.02.2024.55.64

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Potato is considered a staple food in the Hill region of Nepal. It is considered a major crop (in cropping pattern) of the households in Api-himal RM, Naugadh VDC, Marma RM of Darchula District. The potato produced in these areas has a good quality reputation and is the major source of income. There are very few research studies that have assessed the profitability of potatoes in these areas. So, this study aimed to assess the profitability and productivity of potatoes in Darchula District of Nepal. The three areas were purposively selected as they have much better potato production in comparison to others in the district. With random sampling techniques, household respondents were collected. The respondents were interviewed using the face-to-face interview method in the month of February 2022. Altogether, 102 samples (50 from Api-himal RM, 31 from Marma RM, and 21 from Naugadh VDC) were selected. The necessary result was obtained by analyzing socio-economic and demographic characteristics, benefit-cost ratio, and production function using SPSS, Stata, and Microsoft Excel. The average productivity was found low due to disease infestation on crops. The per ha total cost of production was NRs.13, 008.75 with a total income of NRs.14, 832. The cost of FYM (31.06%) followed by harvesting cost and planting cost. The per hectare profit for potato production was NRs.1, 823.25 and per hectare total income from potatoes was found at NRs.14832 with a B/C ratio of 1.14 in the study area. The low production and productivity were due to the infestation of disease on standing crops. The technical and managerial skills in cultivation practices and provision of technical knowledge to control the disease as well as proper allocation of inputs and available resources would help to increase the profitability and productivity of potatoes. It is suggested to use disease-resistance-improved varieties and follow appropriate recommended cultural practices.

Pages 55-64
Year 2024
Issue 2
Volume 2