Sandesh Dulal, Rejina Karki, Diwash Niraula, Suraj Neupane
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Inconvenient spacing is one of the major problems in okra production, due to which the yield of okra is much lesser than its production potential. Hence, field research on the topic of “Effect of spacing on growth and production of okra in Mahottari, Nepal” was conducted at Matihani municipality of Mahottari district during the spring season of 2022. Research was carried out to evaluate the growth and reproductive character of okra. Research was conducted on RCBD research design with 5 replications and 4 treatments viz. 60cm*30cm spacing, 50cm*30cm spacing, 40cm*30cm spacing and 30cm*30cm spacing. The findings of the research revealed that the spacing of 60cm*30cm result in the highest plant height and maximum number of leaves per plant followed by the spacing of 50cm*30cm and the lowest plant height and minimum number of leaves per plant resulted in the spacing of 30cm*30 cm. Fruit length and fruit weight were found to be highest in the spacing of 60cm*30cm followed by the spacing of 50cm*30cm and lowest fruit length and fruit weight found in the spacing of 30cm*30cm. The highest production per plant (432.00g) was reported on the spacing of 50cm*30cm followed by the spacing of 60cm*30cm, whose production per plant was 415.50g but the lowest production per plant (298.62g) was reported in the spacing of 30cm*30cm. The spacing of 30cm*30cm resulted from a maximum yield i.e. 33.18 Mt/ha, followed by the yield of spacing 50cm*30cm which is 28.80 Mt/ha, and the lowest yield (23.94 Mt/ha) was resulted from the spacing of 60cm*30cm. The spacing of 50cm*30cm was found most suitable for okra production with desirable fruit parameters and higher production however higher plant height and several leaves were found on spacing of 60cm*30cm.
Pages | 49-54 |
Year | 2024 |
Issue | 2 |
Volume | 2 |