Author:Bijaya Upadhayay, Ajay Poudel, Pradeep Raj Rokaya, Santosh Chand, Bhimsen Mahat
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The main objective of this study is to assess the status of adoption of improved maize varieties and cultivation practices of maize in Baitadi district. This study aims to identify the determinants of adoption of improved maize variety (IMV) among farmers and their cultivation practices in Baitadi district and subsequently ascertain the factors influencing the intensity of IMV adoption. The study areas; Dashrathchand-2, Dashrathchand-9, Patan-4 and Pancheshor-6 were selected purposively as these were under the command area of maize zone. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test, independent samples t-test, probit model and index score ranking method were used for the data analysis. The productivity of local variety was found 2mt/ha and improved variety was 3.51mt/ha. Majority of farmer preferred to cultivate local and improved variety with Manakamana being the most adopted improved variety. Membership of agricultural groups and training related to maize cultivation were the major determinants of improved variety adoption. Unavailability of seed in vicinity followed by higher cost of seed were the major constraints faced by the farmers in adopting improved maize variety. Distant market and gap between fragment and retail price are the major marketing problem faced by the farmers. Thus, the study concluded that improving farmers’ education, expanding coverage and depth of extension services and firming up farmer associations are suitable policy actions for promoting adoption of improved maize varieties. It is also important to address availability, accessibility and affordability issues constraining adoption of improved varieties and technologies, enhance credit access for farmers and mitigate risk perceptions.
Pages | 45-52 |
Year | 2023 |
Issue | 2 |
Volume | 1 |