Pramod Simkhada, Bhawani Khadka Thapa, Nischal Acharya, Roshani Adhakari , Ashni Lama, Krishna Parsad Bhatta

Doi: 10.26480/amdn.01.2024.36.41

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With the objective to evaluate the Production-economic and marketing aspects of ginger growers, the study was conducted in chinchu (Harre), Lekhparajuli and Ramghat rural municaipality of Bheriganga Municipality, Surkhet district, Nepal during April 23 to May 8, 2022. by personal interview. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods for data analysis. To assess the economic analysis of ginger production and marketing, out of 100, 90 respondent farmer sample and 10 traders sample were randomly selected and personally interviewed using simple random sampling technique from three major ginger growing area of Bheriganga municipality of surkhet district. The B:C ratio of ginger production is 1.35 that means ginger production enterprise is profitable business within study area. Majority of farmers (80%) in the study area were using local variety produced by themselves. Similarly, compare to male less number of female farmers and traders are involved in ginger production and marketing. Both men and women have contribution at different sector for production and marketing of ginger. Since bheriganga municipality is the pocket area of ginger production there must be efforts from government level to eradicate those various production and marketing problems. Government should give more attention to upgrade ginger farming and market of the ginger as well as to promote the market of ginger internally and internationally.

Pages 36-41
Year 2024
Issue 1
Volume 2